Asin: B00002233W
Product brand: DEWALT
Product category:
Product rating:3.4
you check out this website together with keywords DEWALT DW257 6.2 Amp Deck/Drywall Screwdriver
Hello there visitor, I am hoping right now is the lucky moment. At this time My goal is to tell you about the DEWALT DW257 6.2 Amp Deck/Drywall Screwdriver, this is a popular merchandise within this month. Many people are looking for via search engines like yahoo to get DEWALT DW257 6.2 Amp Deck/Drywall Screwdriver with the best deal. Fortunately we know over it and can let you know to getDEWALT DW257 6.2 Amp Deck/Drywall Screwdriver (Black) with the cheapest price with the reliable website in america.
Description : The rugged DEWALT DW257 deck and drywall screwdriver is built tough, yet still comfortable to use in all your drywall, decking, siding, flooring, and stud fastening tasks. Ergonomically crafted with comfortable 2 finger rubber grip and simple to adjust nosepiece, the DW267 offers dependable results. It also includes a dynamic 6.2 amp motor with 0 to 2,500 rpm for optimal performance and heat treated gears are cut in helix fashion for jobs requiring high torque.
Features :
- Helical-cut steel, heat-treated steel gears for long life and durability
- High torque for deck building and for drywall and heavy-gauge steel stud framing
- Depth-sensitive, set and forget nose piece for consistent fastener depth
- Two-finger rubber trigger for increased comfort
- Excellent ergonomics
The following are testimonials several customers:>>
A very useful tool for driving deck screws
I had the chance to use one of these drywall/deck screw drivers two weeks ago to help a friend replace all of his outdoor deck with new 2x6 redwood decking. He had both this unit and another brand which he rented. I drove maybe 500 3 inch deck screws with this unit. I found it to be well balanced and sufficiently powerful to drive them quickly without pilot holes (except at the ends to avoid splitting). The rpm was slow enough to avoid overheating. I'm not a contractor but I think this driver would be valuable to anyone who might want to fasten plywood siding, decking or drywall. As a matter of fact, I've just purchased one for my own use, since I own several rental properties.
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