Title: Diamond Products 01823 NA Core Bore Core Bore M-3 Anchor Drill Stand Only For Milwaukee Motors 01823
Asin: B00548DJHY
Product brand: Diamond Products
Product category: Core Drills
Product rating:
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Description : 4247540 M-3 Anchor Drill Stand Only For Milwaukee MotorsDiamond Products has the widest selection of blades, core bits, rigs, saws, highway grooving, grinding equipment and accessories. With the industries highest quality diamond tools, Diamond Products make sure you get the job done right and fast.Features and Specifications:33" Overall mast lengthAnchor stand onlyDrill stand only includes: base, column (mast), carriage, ceiling jack and motor mount plateAbout Diamond Products:As a world leader in the manufacturing and distribution of diamond tools and equipment, Diamond Products has the widest selection of wet and dry diamond blades and diamond core bits. They provide the largest selection of core drill rigs, concrete saws, masonry and block saws, and wire saws along with highway grooving and grinding equipment, custom concrete trucks and specialty equipment for all your job requirements. Diamond Products is also committed to sustainable practices for a cleaner environment and is currently 75% recyclable.
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