Friday, February 1, 2013

Milwaukee 6742-20 6.5 Amp Drywall Screwdriver Promo Offer

Title: Milwaukee 6742-20 6.5 Amp Drywall Screwdriver
Asin: B000051WRV
Product brand: Milwaukee
Product category:
Product rating:4.6
anyone check out this excellent website with keywords Milwaukee 6742-20 6.5 Amp Drywall Screwdriver

Hi there guest, I hope today will be your blessed moment. At this time I am going to let you know about the actual Milwaukee 6742-20 6.5 Amp Drywall Screwdriver, it is a well-liked merchandise with this calendar month. Most people are trying to find by way of search engines to purchase Milwaukee 6742-20 6.5 Amp Drywall Screwdriver with the cheapest price. Fortunately we realize regarding it and can inform you to purchaseMilwaukee 6742-20 6.5 Amp Drywall Screwdriver (Black) with the best deal with the dependable online store in america.

Description : Includes Drywall Screwdriver, 0-4,000 RPM - 6742-80, No. 2 Phillips Bit - 48-32-1040, 1/4-in Magnetic Bit Holder - 48-32-3065, Drywall Locator Assembly - 49-26-1036, Product Manual
Features :
  • 6.5 amp, 12--volt motor
  • 0 to 4,000 rpm
  • Snap action clutch
  • Fixed, Quik-Lok double insulated cord
  • Limited warranty, 30-day no-risk trial

The following are testimonials some potential buyers:>>
Not your Father's Milwaukee!
The Milwaukee 6742-20 is the Best Drywall/General purpose screwdriver available Period! The US made one that is. Unfortunately, even the iconic Milwaukee brand succumbed to the "Made in China" Syndrome. More like a runaway disease at this point. More to the point. The first time I purchased the Milwaukee 6742-20 was in 2003. Right here on Amazon. The Tool proudly displayed Made In USA on its sticker. That tool lasted a grueling 7 years, doing everything from Drywall to Hardiebacker Cement board to multilayer Fiberock installations to even Decking and MDF. Even at 4000 rpm (not ideal for decking) and drywall to 18 and 16 gauge steel studs were no match for this gem. It's best feature is it's "Snap Action Clutch". The let off is so incredibly crisp with absolutely no grinding or head stripping no matter the depth. The tool is also very ergonomic in its dimensions, grip angles, balance and materials. Such as the rubber inserts and their placement on the handle and around the tool, the...

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